Extracted from an article on Singaporemotherhood. Enjoy reading! ^_^
MYTH: Women with inverted nipples can’t breastfeed.
Women with inverted nipples can breastfeed if the problem is corrected with a niplette at mid –trimester. A nipple shield, nipple puller or a pump can also be used.
MYTH: Women with small breasts have less milk than those with larger breasts.
Yes, the volume in certain cases can be affected, but you can still breastfeed.
MYTH: My mother did not breastfeed me, I probably can’t breastfeed my baby either.
Not true. Early initiation is vital and you should get professional help as soon as possible if needed.
MYTH: My newborn keeps crying and wanting to drink. I don’t have enough milk for her!
Yes it is possible, but check and do not assume
that there is not enough milk. Observe and see if there are any other
possible problems.
MYTH: Breastfeeding hurts. It’s normal.
When a mother first initiates breastfeeding, she
may feel some pressure, but it should not be at the level of severe
pain. If it hurts, she should first check the latching.
MYTH: I must breastfeed for 20 minutes on one side, then switch to the other side for another 20 minutes.
There is no fixed timing, but most babies will
not able to suck continuously for more than 20 minutes. The baby will
tend to nibble and use the mum’s breast as a pacifier for comfort. From
previous research, if baby is sucking effectively, the timing per side
can be as short as 15 to 20 minutes. However, this is only a guideline
to ensure that the baby suckles from both sides.
MYTH: A breastfeeding mother will never know how much her baby is drinking, or whether baby has had enough.
When the baby has had enough, he will show signs
of having drunk enough and generally be satisfied after a full feed. He
will rest in between feeds for couple of hours or even longer. He will
be gaining weight, and producing at least six wet diapers and three
soiled ones per day.
MYTH: Breastfeeding babies do not get enough iron.
The recommendation is for babies to have 8 to
10mg or iron per day. However, most babies will not require an iron
supplement till they are six months of age. The amount of iron present
in breast milk (Colostrum: 0.5 to 0.8 mg/l. Mature milk: 0.2 to 0.3
mg/l) is enough. This does not seem like much, but most iron (70 per
cent) in breast milk is absorbed, compared to formula, where only 30 per
cent is absorbed.
MYTH: If I am sick and taking medication, I cannot breastfeed.
It is important to let the doctor know that you
are breastfeeding, as this may affect his choice of drugs for you. Don’t
worry, there are medications that are compatible with breastfeeding.
Most common medication is okay to take unless the mother is allergic to
it. But do try to take them only after breastfeeding.
MYTH: If my baby is sick, she needs water, I cannot breastfeed her.
If baby is sick, breastfeeding is the best way to feed baby as the breast milk contains 87.8 per cent of water.
MYTH: My nipples are bleeding, I cannot breastfeed.
Correct the problem and continue with breastfeeding. In extreme cases mothers seek advice from a Lactation Consultant. Blood is edible but not easily digested, so it may irritate the baby’s stomach and make him throw up.
MYTH: Breastfeeding mothers must eat more in order to make milk.
Not true. A well balanced diet will do. The mother should not be dieting.